Yuzvendra chahal was sold for Rs 6 crore as Royal Challenges Bangalore played the Right to match card and retained him , meanwhile another spinner of the Indian cricket team Kuldeep Yadav was sold for Rs 5.8 crore as he was retained by Kolkata Knight riders by playing right to match card. Meanwhile Rashid Khan was sold for Rs 9 crore to Sunrisers Hyderabad . Karn Sharma and Imran Tahir is sold to Chennai super kings for Rs 5 crore and Rs 1 crore respectively. Meanwhile Sanju Samson is sold to Rajasthan royals for Rs 8 crore , while Amati Raidu was sold to Chennai of a price of Rs 2.2 crore. Jos Bulter was sold for the price of Rs 4.4 crore by Rajasthan Royal. Wickekeeper Dinesh Karthik was sold to KKR for Rs 7.4 crore meanwhile Wriddhiman saha was sold to Sunries Hyderabad for Rs 5 crore and South African wicket keeper Quinton de Kock was sold to Bangalore for Rs 2.8 crore.