Twitter users had divided opinions about a step involved in brushing teeth.
Socal media can often make us rethink the seemingly trivial aspects of our daily lives.
For instance, when was the last time you consciously thought about the steps you take to brush your teeth.
An online debate on this matter, however, suggests people have strong reactions.
Mashable reports it all started with a Twitter user asking, "do y'all wet the toothbrush first, or put toothpaste on first?"
Responses were decidedly divided.
Someone simply said, "I rinse the toothbrush, put toothpaste on it, then rinse it again."
However, a significant percentage of respondents disagreed, with tweets like, "I don't wet my toothbrush first. A: waste of water even if it is for just a second. B: I rinse my toothbrush after I use every time it so it's not like it's gross. C: it's going to get wet once you put water on it anyway why does it matter," and "Toothpaste 1st... Anything else is uncivilized."
In the end, though, more appeared to support rinsing the toothbrush first.
"U have to rinse toothbrush 1st! Been sitting there for 12 hours gathering bacteria. Rinse that stuff off...rinse it good," wrote one tweeter.
"Those who don't wet their toothbrush before putting on the toothpaste are likely the same people who pour milk in their bowls before cereal," said another Twitter user.