They've gone with thousands of crores, they fly first class, drip diamonds and live in luxury suites. So many people have been talking numbers, NewsX itself is doing the biggest ever investigation on NPAs, but amid all, let's not forget the real victims. The 6,000 that lost their jobs in Satyam, the thousands that lost their savings in Saradha, the KFA employees that didn't get months of salaries. Nirav and Choksi employed more than 3,000 people. From Sales managers to diamond polishers, this scandal has hit their homes; some of them are facing losing their homes, not being able to pay school fees for their kids. As the bankers sit in armchairs and puff cigars on who's to blame, as we in television studios speak about the macro picture, as the govt tallies the diamonds and properties they've recovered. These are the voices of the real victims. We're the only channel that gave a voice to the insiders and the franchises; tonight let's give a voice to those that stand to lose everything. They are not a notch in a balance sheet or a row in an excel sheet. Real voices, real families, Let's hear them out and figure out why no one's talking about making sure they're the first to get relief and help.