~~ Amazon Echo Alexa skill
Big thank you to QVC with Bret Hamilton & Dan Hughes October 5 2016
We’re all alone sometimes, which is why everyone needs Ask My Buddy, because you can NOT predict when you will need help.
Ask My Buddy is a free service that leverages Amazon’s Alexa Voice Platform to connect a user to their Personal Alert ⨁ Network using only their voice.
If you have fallen, or need help, Ask My Buddy is designed to immediately alert friends and family that you have an urgent need. Ask My Buddy will send a 'Please check on me' request to the people on your list by text message /SMS, an email, and even a voice telephone call.
Ask My Buddy is not a substitute for 911, but rather an additional tool offering the security of knowing help is just a shout away.
'Alexa, Ask My Buddy to Alert Everyone'
Check us out at