Amid the ongoing political turmoil over government formation in Karnataka, the state's newly-elected Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa on Saturday expressed confidence that his party will win the floor test today. Speaking to mediapersons, Yeddyurappa said he will be going to have absolute majority and will take all decisions which he promised to the people of Karnataka. On the order of Supreme Court, floor test is to be held at 4 p.m. today.
बीएस येदियुरप्पा ने बहुमत साबित करने से पहले कहा है की वो विधानसभा में बहुमत साबित कर लेंगे... आपको बता दें की कर्नाटक विधानसभा में आज बीएस येदियुरप्पा को शाम 4 बजे बहुमत साबित करना है...