HI ALL, please check out Rainbow Fish new! Do subscribe and LIKE our YouTube page now!\r
I Theatre is a world-class family focused theatre company for Singapore and the region. Always challenging the limits of local theatre and pushing it to greater heights, I Theatre has produced some of the most unforgettable family theatre Singapore and the region has seen -- Rainbow Fish, You Are Special, Wizard of Oz, Duck and Dive, The Arabian Nights and many more!\r
A long way out in the deep blue sea swims a shoal of the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean. Their scales are every shade of blue, green or purple, and ONE has sparking silver scales.\r
Meet proud and pretty Rainbow Fish, and her friends, Starfish, Small Blue, Big Violet and Little Green.\r
Based on Marcus Pfisters award winning storybook, I Theatre is again proud to present this marvelous hit musical for the whole family in Singapore!\r
Rainbow Fish learns some very valuable lessons about her attitude to others, some hard lessons about pride and selfishness, and some valuable truths about the power of generosity and humility.\r
Small Blue, Big Violet, Little Green, and newcomer Tiny Stripes all find out how teamwork helps everyone; and how self-centredness can cause damage to friendships!\r
For this brand new re-imagined production of the classic tale, weve created new, marvelously colourful puppet charers and a wonderful underwater world in a hilarious comedy for the whole family.\r
Youll discover colourful charers and cute songs for the young ones, an interive and funny script for the older ones; and very valuable lessons for all -- young or old.