Check out this well done 3D Animated Short called Monkey Symphony as we see a world where the monkeys are music-lovers as two young chimpanzees are separated by a musical dispute created by the talented team of Maxime Baudin, Mélanie Fumey, Julien Gauthier, Samuel Gonon! For more information, please see the credits below.\r
Realisateurs / Directors : Maxime Baudin, Mélanie Fumey, Julien Gauthier, Samuel Gonon.\r
Interns animators : Lou THOMAS and Matthias BRUGET\r
Music by : Pierre-Yves PLAT and Maxime BAUDIN.\r
Voices by : \r
The Gorilla : Gérard RAUCOULES \r
Teachers : Brenda ROULE and Isabelle TEISSEDRE\r
Recording and Sound Design by : José VICENTE - Studio des Aviateurs\r
Conts :\r
Maxime Baudin :
[email protected]\r
Mélanie Fumey :
[email protected]\r
Julien Gauthier :
[email protected]\r
Samuel Gonon :
[email protected]\r
Pierre-Yves Plat :
[email protected]\r
Film danimation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma danimation 3D de lécole ESMA (promo new).\r
© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques\r
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