Hey fellow book worms,me being a book worm myself we decided to do a top 10 of book authors and their work. And let me tell you it was not easy. Allow me to intruduce myself I am Analyst 233and we cant begin to tell you how many books and profiles we read to do this. Sure we expect to get some heat over this but we also interviewed alot of people in order to get the most accurate info to put this together. We felt that quite a few writers were put on the back burner over the past few years due to the net and main stream media pushing authors down our throat. We hope that this video brings the world back to a book. Today's literature is tomorrows history. It is a shame that the local theatre draws in more people than a library. I hope you all enjoy the video. Please leave comments and p.o.v's If any one is interested in being exposed to hidden info and real data please email us and help tell the truth. Godspeed my friends.