문 대통령, "본질은 계엄령 문건의 진실을 밝히는 것"
Our top story at this hour.
An investigation has begun into plans drawn up two years ago by military intelligence to invoke martial law in case the corrupt former President Park Geun-hye was not impeached and there was civil unrest.
President Moon Jae-in has ordered that all related documents be handed over and that the probe be conducted thoroughly.
Cha Sang-mi starts us off with the efforts to uncover the truth.
President Moon Jae-in has urged investigators to get to the bottom of controversial documents drafted by the military's intelligence unit in 2016... detailing plans to declare martial law amid the protests against then-President Park Geun-hye... who was later removed from office for corruption.
The President said the persons responsible for the plans must be found, according to his spokesperson, who read out the leader's statement.
"The key is to reveal the truth behind those martial law documents. We should thoroughly investigate why the documents were created and to what extent the military was willing to execute the plan."
The Defense Security Command, the military's intel unit, has repeatedly clashed over the issue with Defense Minister Song Young-moo.
The President was quoted as saying that those disputes have been confusing the Korean people.
The issue, he said, needs to be untangled piece by piece.
President Moon also stressed the need for the intel unit to be reformed, and soon -- again, his spokesman quoting.
"I understand that there has already been a lot of discussion about reforming the Defense Security Command. I ask the Task Force on DSC Reform to speed up those discussions and promptly submit a proposal."
The president said further that it's important to find out how reports on the matter were handled... and to review any mistakes made by those who knew about of the martial law documents, including the current Defense Minister Song Young-moo.
And, he said, once he's got the task force's report, he will take appropriate measures to penalize those responsible.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.