"Near Daybreak" is a song that I wrote when I was 16. I dedicated the song to a then much older friend (33) whose name was "Luc". A person who I spent many late night hours with in the bars of Bruges (Belgium, Europe).
The English lyrics that I wrote with the song (which cannot be heard in the here) also told
the story of two guys who every night went on a pub-crawl, until at least six in the morning.
While creating the orchestration of the song on the computer my memories of that period in my life came back vividly and so I found a splendid title for the song: "Near Daybreak".
With the chosen title in my mind I now wanted to make it something real good. I wanted to create an atmosphere in which when hearing the song you could, with a little
imagination, feel the feelings one person has when he spent the whole night drinking
in a pub coming home in the morning knowing that he should work or go to school within 2
Imagine the following: Six a clock in the morning... The sun gently chasing away the darkness of night... Biking
through the city of Bruges on my way to where I live in the suburbs after a whole night of
heavy drinking ... Being drunk ... Feelings of guilt ... Moments of confusion ... Moments of clearness ... The lack of energy because of the long night behind me ... Resurgence of
energy because of the morning light coming up... The disturbing thought of having
to be at work / school within a few hours.
Al those thoughts, feelings, impressions coming together in one song: "NEAR DAYBREAK"