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1 Surya Namaskar is a gesture of showing gratitude or salutation to the sun.
2 It is a sequence of 12 important yoga Asanas which bring the body, breath and mind together.
3 These Asanas relax the mind and at the same time improves the flexibility of the spine.
4 The forward bend Asana notably helps in increasing the abdomen space by which it makes your hip more responsive.
5 It improves the posture by stretching and strengthening the muscles, joints and skeletal system.
6 It also gives an excellent cardiovascular workout helping one to lose weight.
7 With each inhalation and exhalation, the lungs and blood remain thoroughly oxygenated and the body gets detoxified.
8 According to expert, it benefits in bringing down the blood sugar levels and keeps heart diseases away.
9 It boosts the blood circulation of the body and simultaneously aids in giving you healthy skin.
10 It highly benefits the memory and nervous system by getting rid of anxiety and calming the person’s senses.
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