The story revolves around Shankar (Jaggesh), a youth who wants to become a police officer. But he faces many hurdles, including the acts of his brother-in-law Narasimha (Rangayana Raghu) and a police officer (Avinash). But a move by two terrorists to kill chief minister Rangaswamy (Srinivasamurthy) for sending their boss Mohammed Ghouse to jail comes in his help. He opens his own private detective agency called CID Eesha (Eerenahalli Shankaregowda) but faces police wrath as it is not a registered firm. But he earns the trust of the CM when he saves him from the killers.
Watch Full Length Kannada Movie CID Eesha – ಸಿಐಡಿ ಈಶ
Movie Name : CID Eesha – ಸಿಐಡಿ ಈಶ
Cast : Jaggesh, Mayuri, Komal Kumar, Rangayana Raghu, Avinash, Chidanand, Bank Janardhan, Sudarshan, Harish Rai, Srinivasamurthy, Lakshman, Ninasam Ashwath, Killer Venkatesh, Jayalakshmi
Director : N Rajesh
Produce : C Umakantha Raju
Music : Vijay Bharathi
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