Superstar Salman Khan is known to be even tempered and cordial now until you don't rile him. The Bollywood actor's fans in Rajasthan recently got a dose of his raging side. Salman is shooting for his upcoming movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan in Rajasthan and as usual, all his admirers there are excited. But the situation got out of hand when some of these fanatics kept on following Salman's car on bikes and shouting at him. The Dabangg Khan tolerated it till a point but then lost his temper at these antics. Salman made his driver stop the car on the road and angrily got out to give a piece of his mind to the bikers who scattered around seeing the actor so angry. Reportedly Salman was heard abusing these people for creating reckless disturbance. Seems like Salman Khan's fans will now think twice before even approaching the actor.
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