Bollywood's handsome actor Randeep Hooda recently unveiled the cover page, of the latest edition of Mandate magazine. At the event, Randeep spoke about his collaboration with the publication for the second time, and also shared the unique idea, for shooting it.
After looking at the magazine cover, the media at the event asked Randeep about what interests him, in a woman, to which he replied saying that, " There are so many things to like in a woman, her sense of enjoying life, her eyes and gentleness. I am amongst those men to like the nurturing quality in a woman. But I have definitely never liked drunk and skinny women".
The 'Highway' actor also spoke about his upcoming project with Deepa Mehta, and also his ventures 'Main Aur Charles' and ' Do Lafzon Ki Kahani'. Mr. Hooda then spoke about how his real life experiences, help him dwell the depth of the character, he plays in his movies. ?
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