Malayali actress Bhavana was kidnapped and molested by her former driver and his friends a few days in Kochi. The incident took place around 9.30 PM when Bhavana was returning home from a shoot in Kerala's Ernakulam district. It is said that the accused intercepted Bhavana's car and abducted her. Bhavana was allegedly molested and threatened with dire consequences inside the running car. The suspects even reportedly took pictures and videos of Bhavana to blackmail her. At around 10.30 pm Bhavana was dropped near the place where she lived. The police confirmed that Bhavana is now fine and is safe at her home. They also said they are looking for another accused in the case and hopeful that he will be arrested soon. The whole of tinsel town is in a state of shock after the news went viral and are now questioning the safety of a common person. Take a look!
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