Mental Wellness and Sleep, welcome, I’m Mark Weisenburger your Mental Wellness Advocate.
Sure sleep is a given, or it should be. However, in today’s world it seems like a luxury. There are more demands on our lives then ever before. Work, civic activities, church, yard work, housework, etc. Plus it seems like the kids are involved in more activities, sports, dance, music, and school just to mention a few.
Sleep is a critical factor in not only our mental health but also our physical health. Research has shown that lack of sleep, classified as 6 hours a night, and I know some of you are only wishing you could get 6 hours of sleep, causes our appetite to increase as well as blood sugar control issues.
Think about the last time you didn’t receive enough sleep or maybe not quality sleep. I know for some of you, you don’t have to think back very far, maybe this morning. How was your stress level? Did you experience a little more anxiety? How was your anger level? All of which causes burnout and overwhelm.
Over the next week we are going to have 7 tips and strategies that will help you improve sleep quantity and/or quality so you can experience more happiness and joy in your life.
Please leave questions and comments below. I would love to engage with you and see how I can serve you and what you would like to see on this channel.
For the newest science in the mental wellness research and to discover how you can substantially reduce your stress, anxiety, overwhelm and feelings of depression click the link below to get access to a 40 minute video by Dr. Shawn Talbott explain what is happening with mental wellness research and what you can do to improve your mental wellness.
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