Private firms and government agencies in the U.S. are reportedly being targeted by aggressive attacks by Chinese hackers,... amid the continued trade war between Washington and Beijing.
American security experts say Chinese hackers are now more focused on economic and technology strategies,... and are becoming more sophisticated.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
Chinese hackers are said to be intensifying their attacks on U.S. government agencies and private businesses.
Citing security experts,... the New York Times reported Monday that such moves follow the Trump administration's prolonged trade war with Beijing.
It explained that Chinese hacking attempts cooled four years ago when former President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping reached a deal to prevent cyber hacking aimed at stealing trade secrets.
However, experts say Chinese hackers have returned and are more sophisticated than ever.
The New York Times said Boeing and T-Mobile are among some of the American businesses targeted by Chinese hackers,... but it's not clear whether the hacks were successful
Director of the cyberspace program at the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, Adam Segal, explained that Beijing's recent intelligence collection is driven by the demands of its five-year plan and other technology strategies.
He says the tactics are different from the past when China was more focused on hacking for military purposes.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.