Chandigarh seems all set for swearing-in ceremony of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal to be held on Wednesday. Parkash Singh Badal will hold the office of CM for the record fifth time. The grand function for swearing-in ceremony is been held at the Banda Bahadur Memorial at Chappar Chiri in Mohali district. Badal's son Sukhbir Singh will again be the Deputy to his father's chief minister ship. In fact, it is said that Sukhbir Singh is instrumental in choosing the venue that's of special significance to the Khalsa panth in terms of victory over adversary. But the function is also being closely watched as it is touted to be the gathering of the third-front that's reportedly shaping up to take on the UPA's failures. The swearing-in ceremony of Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and his Cabinet colleagues scheduled for today is turning out to be a hot favourite event. Chief Ministers of six states are expected to attend the do. Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Chouhan, Gujarat CM Narendra Modi, Chhattisgarh CM Raman Singh, Jharkhand CM Arjun Munda, Jammu and Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah and Himachal Pradesh CM Prem Kumar Dhumal have confirmed their participation. NCP chief and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and his daughter Supriya Sule too have confirmed their attendance.
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