NewsX: A defiant Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav once again justified his government's action against IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal, comparing the move to students being punished by parents and teachers."Sarkar isee tarha chalti hai, agar koi adhikari galti karta hai to saza milti hai" (the government functions this way, if any officer commits mistake he/she gets punishment)," the chief minister said during a function organised to felicitate school children. Brazen in his indictment of the IAS officer - an issue which has created rift between the Samajwadi Party and the Congress at the Centre - the chief minister said that like parents or teachers who often beat up children for their mistake so also was the case with the state government. He even added there would be a large number of children in the gathering who had been thrashed by their teachers, thus making it clear that the government had the right to punish errant officers. The UP government had last night charge-sheeted the officer for allegedly not following due process of law while demolishing a wall of a mosque in village Kadalpur in Gautam Buddha Nagar on July 27
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