Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Vinay Katiyar made yet another controversial statement on Monday, which could be targeted to polarise the voters in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh. Katiyar claimed that ‘Ram Mandir’ is still the centrifugal issue for the BJP, and he would continue to campaign fiercely for the temple. The Rajya Sabha MP further added that those opposed to Ram Mandir in Ayodhya are ‘anarchists’. “We will campaign for Ram Mandir with full force. We will evaluate the legal options before us. And if required, we would take the next step as well,” Katiyar said. Lashing out at those opposed to construction at Babri Masjid site, the firebrand MP said, “Ram Mandir will be built in Ayodhya. There is no question of not building it. It is one of the most crucial issue for us. Those opposed to the temple in Ayodhya are anarchists.”
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