War of words in Lok Sabha on communal violence. Leader of Congress Mallikarjun Kharge says that instances of riots have increased after NDA government assumed charge. However, he said that they are not claiming government is behind Imams. Yogi Adityanath of BJP slams Congress on the question of appeasement politics. He claims that Hinduism is not a communal religion and it is currently under threat. Adityanath says that there is no debate when Kashmiri Pandits are forced to leave. Adityanath advocates for Uniform Civil Code and rakes up controversial issues to counter the opposition. He asks for a SIT headed by SC judge to probe riots in Uttar Pradesh. Opposition MPs vigorously protest against Yogi Adityanath.
AIADMK MP voices his party's opinion opposing the communal violence bill. TMC's Sudip Banerjee asks government to find out the reason behind rise of communal violence in several secular states. He asks lawmakers to ensure mechanism that no communal violence takes place. He asks Rajnath Singh to give assurance that communal violence
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