The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday filed supplementary charge sheet against nine people including Congress leader and former finance minister P Chidambaram in Delhi's Patiala House Court in the controversial Aircel-Maxis case. The Patiala House Court has fixed 26th November as the date for consideration on the charge sheet. Total nine people have been listed as accused in the charge sheet.
#PChidambaram #ED #ChargeSheetAgainstPChidambaram
गुरुवार को पटियाला हाउस कोर्ट में इस मामले की सुनवाई हुई. एक तरफ चिदंबरम को 26 नवंबर तक राहत मिली तो दूसरी ओर इसी मामले में ईडी ने चार्जशीट दायर की जिसमें चिदंबरम को आरोप नंबर-1 बताया गया है.
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Enforcement Directorate
P Chidambaram
Charge Sheet against P Chidambaram
Aircel Maxis case
P Chidambaram Aircel Maxis case
Congress leader P Chidambaram
former finance minister P Chidambaram
Delhi's Patiala House court
P Chidambaram Delhi's Patiala House court
Aircel Maxis case hearing
P Chidambaram news
P Chidambaram case