Supreme Court verdict on CBI - The Supreme Court today stepped into the supreme drama that has been playing out within the Central Bureau of Investigation. Saying that the controversy surrounding the CBI cannot be allowed to linger on in the interest of the country, a three-judge bench led by the CJI Ranjan Gogoi ordered that allegations of corruption made by CBI special director Rakesh Asthana against CBI director Alok Verma within two weeks.
#CBISupremeCourtVerdict #SCDecision #SCAlokVerma
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CBI Supreme Court verdict
supreme court verdict on cbi
Supreme Court verdict CBI
CBI case
Alok Verma case in supreme court
CJI Ranjan Gogoi ordered to CBI
CJI Ranjan Gogoi ordered to Rakesh Asthana
CJI Ranjan Gogoi ordered to Alok Verma
CBI director Alok Verma case
CBI controversy
CBI special director Rakesh Asthana
director Rakesh Asthana
CBI news
CBI court
CBI alok verma