A hotel bill amounting to Rs 1.56 crore that the BCCI refused to pay in 2010 tells the story of IPL’s Lalit Modi days, with a guest list including top politicians such as Vasundhara Raje of the BJP and Shashi Tharoor of the Congress. From January 1 to April 30, 2010, the IPL chairman made the ‘Club’ suite (Room No 9132) of the Four Seasons Hotel in Mumbai his base, instead of operating from the BCCI office in the same city. Raje and Tharoor, who had no direct connection to cricket at that point, stayed at the hotel during the IPL with the expenses billed to the league. Raje stayed in a Deluxe Sea View Room (No 3202) on March 11 and checked out on March 13. Her room was charged Rs 19, 719.
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