The Delhi government on Wednesday told the Patiala House Court that it needs a month's an ideal opportunity to choose whether to give approval to indict previous Jawaharlal Nehru Students Union President Kanhaiya Kumar and others in a dissidence case. Accordingly, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Deepak Sherawat guided the Aam Aadmi Party government to record an appropriate answer referencing a positive time period, PTI detailed.
In January, the police had documented a chargesheet naming understudy activists Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya in the dissidence case. The other blamed incorporate Kashmiri understudies Aquib Hussain, Mujeeb Hussain, Muneeb Hussain, Umar Gul, Rayeea Rasool and Bashir Bhat.