Who is Dr Bradley Nelson and how did he discover The Emotion Code?
I first became acquainted with Dr. Bradley Nelson when I watch the movie E-Motion on GAIA TV. It was the first time I've heard about how trapped emotions can become lodged in your body, your energy field and cause issues. It was a mix between a movie and a documentary. There was a plotline with two young actors in separate lives but each struggling with emotions and stress. Spoiler alert they came together in the end but there's more to the movie. At points in the movie, you'd hear from experts like Dr. Bradley Nelson, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and others.
I wrote more about E-Motion the movie about The Emotion Code here https://gettinganswers.com/e-motion-the-movie/
After watching the movie I purchased the book and I was hooked on energy healing! https://GettingAnswers.com/book
After practicing for over a year, I decided to enroll in the Emotion Code Certification and become a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. I share more of my experiences at:
>>Dr Bradley Nelson Biography