(taoyakaibs)お出かけマイク春節祭で沸く台湾に行ってみた~後編I went to Taiwan buzzing at the Spring Festival-Part 2

taoyakaibs 2019-06-15

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昔、九份は台湾の一寒村に過ぎなかったが、19世紀末に金の採掘が開始されたことに伴い徐々に町が発展。日本統治時代最盛期を迎えました。九份の街並みは、統治時代の面影を色濃くとどめており、路地や石段は当時に造られたものであり、酒家(料理店)などの建物が多数残されています。 『千と千尋の神隠し』のモデルになったという噂もあり、日本の観光客への知名度が高まったほかに台湾でも知られ、「神隠少女 湯婆婆的湯屋」の看板がモデルとされる茶屋のそばに掲げられています。台北101は、台湾台北市信義区にある超高層ビル。地上101階建てで、高さは509.2mで、地下は5階まであります。士林夜市は、台湾台北市士林区にある観光夜市。夕方になると常設店舗の前などの路上に飲食物や衣料品、生活雑貨、遊戯などの様々な屋台が所狭しと出店し、多くの来客で賑わいます。
Once upon a time, Jiuzhai was only a cold village in Taiwan, but the town developed gradually with the start of gold mining at the end of the 19th century. The era of Japanese rule reached its peak. The cityscape of Jiuzana strongly retains the reign of the reign era, and alleys and stone steps are built at that time, and many buildings such as liquor houses (restaurants) are left. There are rumors that it has become a model of "Spirit of Chihiro", and it has become well-known in Taiwan as well as it has become well-known to tourists in Japan. It is raised by the teahouse. Taipei 101 is a skyscraper located in Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan. It is 101 stories above the ground, 509.2m in height, and the underground is up to the fifth floor. Shilin Night Market is a tourist night market located in Shilin District, Taipei, Taiwan. In the evening, various food stalls such as food and drink, household goods, play, etc. are opened on the street in front of the permanent store etc. and crowded with many visitors.
Narrator: Sayaka
Taoyaka Internet Broadcasting Website: http: //taoyaka.at-ninja.jp/

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