날씨: 전국 덥고, 자외선 매우 높음
All the sunshine today made it hard to spend too long outside.
For details, let's turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center, Michelle?
The nation's daily highs ranged between the mid-twenties to the thirties,... and because we were mostly cloud-free this afternoon,... the UV levels were very high for the most part even extremely high in parts of Gangwon-do Province.
Tuesday won't be as warm as today, since rain is expected to wet the whole country.
Pyeongyang will get some thunder and lightning, but other neighboring countries will stay rain-free under some clouds.
The rain isn't going to be heavy though. The far north of Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do provinces will see the most up to 40 millimeters while the capital is expecting less between 5 and 20 millimeters.
Morning lows will be about the same as the have been lately,...
Seoul waking up to 18 degrees Celsius, while Jeju is a little higher at 21 degrees.
Seoul's high will be 27 degrees. Daegu and Gyeongju's highs will be in the thirties.
The rain will focus on the central region until Wednesday morning, so the weather will stay cool until then.
And as soon as we get the sun back on Thursday,... the mercury will soar back up again.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.