Karnataka Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy on Wednesday lost his cool with workers of a state-run power project who tried to approach him with their grievances and told them that "you vote for Modi but come to me for solution".
Workers of the Yermarus Thermal Power Station (YTPS) had stopped the vehicle of the Chief Minister while he was on his way to Karegudda village.
Labourers gathered outside the guest house where the Chief Minister was staying and wanted to submit a memorandum to seek Kumaraswamy's intervention over arrears of their salaries and termination of a few of their colleagues by the YTPS management.
The Chief Minister, who was in a bus, refused to meet them and tried to proceed to the village and got angry when the workers tried to stop the bus.
He told them that "you people wanted me to solve the problem, however, you chose to vote for Modi".
He also warned them of a lathicharge for blocking his way.
Raichur district in-charge minister and Venkatrao Nadagouda, who were also in the vehicle, pacified the Chief Minister, but the police had a tough time clearing the way for the vehicle.
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#KumaraswamyAngry #KumaraswamyLosesCool #KumaraswamyShouts