Mount Huashan, China's Sacred Taoist Peak | The World's Most Dangerous Mountain [Huayin / China]


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Mount Huashan, China's Sacred Taoist Peak

For the ones who like to travel to the far corners of the world and have adventure in their blood this is a must see place and a guaranteed rush of adrenaline.

Thousands of people each year decide to go on one of the most dangerous roads in the world. It is composed of rickety stairs and paths with planks nailed on the rocks. At every step, they put their lives at risk to test their limits and to reach the famous teahouse in the top of the mountain Huashan in China.

Mount Huashan is located in Huayin, part of the Shaanxi province. The closest city, Xi’an, is 120 kilometers away. The teahouse of the top of the mountain is located on the south side of the mountain, at an altitude of 2,160 meters. Viewed on a map the Huashan mountain chain looks like a flower.


Music: "PeriTune - Wuxia2"
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