Online Learn how to use Swift on the server!
Server Side Swift with Vapor
introduces you to the world of server development with the added bonus of using Swift. You'll learn how to build APIs, web sites, databases, application servers and use Vapor's very own Vapor Cloud to host your solutions off-site. You'll use many of Vapor's modules such as Fluent, Vapor's ORM, and Leaf, the templating engine for building web pages.Who This Book Is ForThis book is for iOS developers who already know the basics of iOS and Swift development and want to transfer that knowledge to writing server based applications.Topics Covered in Server Side Swift with VaporHTTP Learn the basics of how to make requests to and from servers.Fluent Learn how to use Fluent to save and manage your models in databases.Controllers Learn how to use controllers to route your requests and responses.Leaf Learn how Vapor's Leaf module and its templating language allow you to build dynamic web sites directly.Middleware Learn how built-in Vapor modules can assist with common tasks such as validating users, settings required response headers, serving static files and more. One thing you can count on: After reading this book, you'll be prepared to write your own server-side applications using Vapor and, of course, Swift. For Kindle