Full version The Project of You: Beyond High School: Master the 5 Key Skills for Your Future

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The goal of this book is to provide you opportunities to spend small amounts of time in regular intervals to decide on the perfect life path for you to become HHSS - Happy, Healthy & Self - Supporting. By completing the readings and exercises in this book, you will: - Learn to budget time for your exploration - Increase your self-awareness about your vision for your future - Find your why and connection to the world beyond high school - Improve your personal communication skills - Acknowledge your core values to help you make future choices; and - Begin developing ideas around the direction you want to head as an adult. Does the process of choosing your path beyond high school feel overwhelming? It doesn't have to be. Like many things in life the key success skills are simple to understand, yet not so easy to develop. Read and complete the exercises within and make it easy for yourself through guidance and practice. Use our process and take away your overwhelm with making your Project of You plan. Be ready for your future beyond high school! What project could you possibly be working on that is more important than understanding and deciding what's next for you beyond high school? You can use this book as a guide to begin your career exploration at any age. The five key skills will always be a resource for you. These are skills that you will use throughout your life no matter what path you choose beyond high school. Everyone's path is unique to them and it's up to you to decide what you want to do next after high school to start on your path. Exploration, experience, and digging deeper will help you make a decision most closely aligned to your strengths, goals, and purpose. This book can be used as an individual coaching tool with students or as the basis for a group coaching or classroom based setting. The lessons in the book can be used and selected as needed to create a custom program for a specific target goal or the lessons can be covered sequentially to establish personal success habits with students. Contact [email protected] today to discuss Train the trainer programs, student classroom based programs, student group coaching or individual workshops based on The Project of You for your student, school or organization. Brenda March is a Consultant, Coach, Connector, Author, Mentor and Speaker and is the principal of MarchForwardConsulting.com. Her passion is mentoring and coaching emerging adults both in personal and leadership development as well as public speaking skills. Before the Project of You, she developed the "Young Empowered Speakers Program" at the request of parents speaks, coaches and conducts workshops about "The Project of You."

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