The French multi-instrumentalist Thomas Bloch (glassharmonica, ondes Martenot, cristal Baschet) who has played as well with Radiohead, Gorillaz as with most prestigious classical soloists and orchestras in the world explains to Jean-Francois Zygel, humorists Mustapha, Marc Jolivet and singer Thomas Fersen how to play the ondes Martenot during a french national TV program ("La boîte à musique de Jean-François Zygel - spéciale Noël"). It includes some sound samples, a free interpretation of "Holly night" and Olivier Messiaen's "4ème Feuillet Inédit" played by Jean-François Zygel (piano) and Thomas Bloch. December 21, 2007
Thomas Bloch informations :
Jean-François Zygel informations :çois_zygel
Other names : Ones Martenot (Catalan), Ondas Martenot (Spain, Portugal), Martenot waves (English), Onde Martenot (Italy), Fale Martenota (Poland) - wrong name : Martinot