코로나19 27명 늘어 총 1만564명…엿새째 신규확진 50명 아래
South Korea reported 27 new coronavirus cases today... bringing the nation's total to 10-thousand-5-hundred-and-64.
It marks the sixth day that the country's daily increase in COVID-19 infections stayed below 50, but health authorities here remain on high alert over cluster infections and imports of new cases.
Senior health ministry official, Yoon Tae-ho said at the government's COVID-19 briefing earlier today that it is not yet time to return to our pre-COVID-19 lifestyles.
He used Singapore as an example, where daily infection numbers were kept in single-digits until the opening of schools brought cluster infections causing daily infection numbers to resurge to nearly 400.
Extra precaution is being taken at airports where no leniency is shown to arriving passengers not complying with quarantine rules.