문 대통령 "코로나19 대응하는 자세에 세월호 교훈 담겨 있다"
President Moon Jae-in says South Korea's highly-acclaimed response to the COVID-19 outbreak has its roots in the lessons learned from the 2014 Sewol-ho ferry disaster.
Taking to social media on Thursday to mark the six year anniversary of the ferry's sinking, President Moon said the tragedy showed by how deeply connected the public is,... adding the people are again showing they are one in the fight against COVID-19.
President Moon added that people's lives may look very different post-outbreak,... stressing the government will prepare thoroughly while working hard to prevent such accidents reoccurring.
The president also sent his condolences to the bereaved families of the 304 victims of the Sewol-ho sinking,... adding his administration will do its best to get the truth about the incident.