Need for Speed is the latest game from the Need for Speed franchise.,shortly called NFS. It is considered a tribute to the Original underdground mini series from Electronic Arts. This game revived the Need for Speed series from being dead.
Electronic Arts suffered from lot of critics and hatred from it's fans with its Need for Speed Payback. While the Need for Speed payback was itself a good game with great graphics, They lost it when it came to character development and modelling.
Needless to say the game got lost due to the huge amount of cutscenes it delivered. So much so that whenever a great stunt is performed, the game takes the reins from the player and shows some cinematic videos. while it may sound awesome, none will like it in the middle of a chase or race. But Need for Speed Heat overcame all that with giving total control over the gameplay to the players.
Boy O Boy, the graphics is on par with the Forza Horizon 4 by Microsoft Studios, but nowhere near it, mind you. The Neon Lighting during the night race is absolutely fantastic.
The players get to play during Day/Night. The Day racing is just usual track racing, where players can hone their senses and develop their skillsets.
The night racing is where things get heated up, You get chased by cops mid-race, you increase your heat level, which in-turn increases the reputation level.
While in free roaming you hit a cop in the day, you get chased by them, but while in night, if you are even seen racing or over-speeding you get chased by them.
This Video is the game played by me, and the above review is what I feel about Need for Speed in my own words. So opinions differ. No harm intended.