이언 브레머 "코로나 위기 효과적으로 대응한 나라에는 좋은 리더 있어... 한국•독일•베트남"
Countries that have responded quickly and effectively to the coronavirus pandemic all have good leaders and those countries are South Korea, Germany and Vietnam.
That's according to Ian Bremmer, the president of the Eurasia Group, a political consultancy group, who was speaking to Japanese paper Mainichi Shimbun.
Bremmer stressed that the world is facing the worst crisis since World War Two, but there's no clear leadership from any side to overcome the pandemic.
He especially pointed out that the U.S. is only blaming China and the WHO while not taking part in international forums.
Bremmer added that there needs to be some "strong science," like advanced technology, to beat the virus and keep the WHO from weakening.