Murphy's limited series follows a group of young actors attempting to make it big in Hollywood post-World War II. Murphy was sure Parsons, still best known in "The Big Bang Theory" as the lovable nerd-genius Sheldon, would be perfect for Willson's part. Parsons admits after working on the show that he has developed empathy for the agent. Parsons’ said, "He ended up destitute because he had used every resource he had to get his clients to the place that he wanted them to be and that they wanted to be paying for clothes, paying for lessons, paying for teeth -- and so as nasty and weird and slimy as he could be at times, I felt for him when I read he died penniless in a Styrofoam coffin.” Parsons would spend a total of two and a half hours in the makeup chair to get the role right. Jim said, "I'd leave the makeup trailer feeling somewhat transformed and a little freer without even knowing it was happening.” The Bing Bang Theory fame actor then added that it ended up being one of the more powerful experiences of his life. Speaking of the show, the Netflix show also feature prominent stars like David Corenswet, Darren Criss, Jeremy Pope, Laura Harrier, Samara Weaving, Dylan McDermott, Holland Taylor, Patti LuPone, Jake Picking, and Joe Mantello amongst others. We hope that Jim impresses us with his role in Hollywood just like he charmed us with his role as Sheldon in Big Bang.