Union home minister Amit Shah on Sunday held an important meeting on the Covid-19 situation in Delhi, which has been seeing a huge spike in the number of cases. Health minister Harsh Vardhan, Delhi Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and officials of the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) were present in the meeting. Union home minister Amit Shah said THAT The Centre will provide 500 railway coaches to Delhi in view of the shortage of beds for Covid-19 patients in the national capital. The Delhi government plans to add 20,000 beds across the hotels and banquet halls of the city over the coming week -- a quarter of the 80,000 beds it expects to need by July-end to cope with the spiraling coronavirus cases. Defence minister Rajnath Singh said on Sunday that the central government is engaged in talks with the Chinese side at diplomatic and military levels to resolve the border standoff.