Two Common Marketing Mistakes That Virtually 90% of Businesses Make
If you have been in business any length of time, chances are at sometime in the past you’ve done some advertising or marketing for your business and it doesn’t matter if it was yesterday, last week, last month or last year. If you have ever done any advertising at all, I can virtually guarantee that you’ve been making at least 1 of the following 2 common marketing mistakes. And, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been doing business for 1, 5, 15, 25 years or more, and have been getting what most people would consider decent results—I’m here to tell you that these 2 mistakes have cost you a lot of money in lost opportunity and lost business.
And I’m not exaggerating here to catch your attention. In fact, I want you to go get some of your marketing material right now—be it a a newspaper or magazine ad, web content, an online ad, a brochure, a radio script, a TV ad, whatever it is—go get it right now and then evaluate it for yourself as I describe these 2 mistakes. I want you to objectively judge your own marketing and advertising and make a determination for yourself whether or not what I’m saying has value. Pause, pause, pause…
Got em? If not, definitely do this later. You can always watch this video again. But don’t just blow it off because what I’m about to share with you can literally change the course of your business for the better instantly.
Mistake #1 – Using One of the 3 Banned Phrases
So what are the 3 banned phrases? Well, there is really only one phrase, but we have three evaluations to test if they are phrases that use platitudes. In marketing, platitudes are essentially the Knockout punch. Let me give you the definition of a platitude as it pertains to marketing. Platitudes are “words or phrases that are drearily dull, obvious, or predictable and lack any power to create interest because they are overused and unoriginal, yet are nevertheless still commonly used as though they were unique or powerful.”
Let me give you some examples of platitudes. They are words and phrases such as, “Highest Quality, Best Service, Largest Selection, We get the job done right the first time, 500 years of experience, Honest, Dependable, Call in the Strong Arm, Number one, Your dealer of choice, State-of-the-art, Experts in, Specializing in, been in business since 700 B.C. and all that other blah, blah, blah.” Sound familiar? Of course it does. You’ve heard this kind of monotony for years. But now here’s the crucial question, do you have these terms in your marketing? I bet you do. I don’t even know you, but if I were a betting man, I’d bet the ranch on the fact that your advertising and marketing is loaded with platitudes just like these right now. Go ahead and take a look for yourself.