Actress Ankita Lokhande’s boyfriend Vicky Jain has become the new target of trolls and criticism after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. For the unaware, Sushant and Ankita met on the sets of ‘Pavitra Rishta’ and fell in love with each other. They dated for six long years. Their Jodi was loved by fans both on-screen and off-screen. Sadly, they broke up in 2016 and decided to move on in their lives. While Sushant allegedly found love in Kriti Sanon and then in Rhea Chakraborty, Ankita started dating Vicky Jain. Ankita had even announced her love for him by saying, “He is a very nice guy. He is a businessman from Bilaspur. Yes, I am in love and you will get to know about marriage when the time is right.” However, when the news of Sushant’s death reached Ankita, she was shattered. Many blamed Ankita for leaving Sushant while in reality, their breakup was mutual. On the other hand, social media users started leaving mean comments on Ankita’s boyfriend Vicky’s Instagram account. People wrote things like, “Leave her” and “You don’t deserve Ankita, only Sushant did!” As a result, Vicky had to disable the comment section of his Instagram account to avoid negative and hate comments.