This shocking scene shows zero social distancing and people disregarding masks in Silverwood Theme Park in Kootenai, Idaho, amind COVID-19 on Saturday (July 11).
The park encourages their guest to wear masks, keep social distance, and sanitize their hands, but no one follows any suggestions.
"Out of the several thousand people at the park today, I saw a total of two other people wearing masks and trying to stay six feet away from other groups," the filmer said. "While I was wearing a mask, I heard several people make comments about how I was a sheep and that I must be an 'avid viewer of MSNBC'."
"Even though the park provides hand sanitizer at the exit of each ride, I saw just one other person using it."
"I did however hear many comments from younger people in the park suggesting that only nerds used hand sanitizer or followed the rules and many said they wouldn't use the sanitizer because it smelled bad."
"The park actually offered free face masks to any guest, but I saw not a single one taken that day. I should give credit to the staff for sanitizing seats and handles between rides."