Comedian actor Kapil Sharma has a sweet birthday message for former colleague Sunil Grover. Kapil tweeted, “Happy bday @WhoSunilGrover paji stay happy n healthy always, lots of love always.” It wasn’t all about love a few years ago when the two had a widely talked-about public spat in 2017. Two years later, Kapil had even opened up about it. During an appearance on a 2019 show, Kapil had said, “I like Sunil a lot. There was just a misunderstanding between us. Someone asked me that why I am not taking him in show and in a fit of rage I wrote on Twitter that I was ready to take him, it’s he who doesn’t want to come back on the show,” Meanwhile, Kapil has resumed shooting for his popular comedy show after spending 125 days at home due to global pandemic.