Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has been receiving a lot of flak ever since Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his apartment. However, Mahesh Bhatt’s old pal Anupam Kher has stood in his support. He said in an interview, “I am thankful to him for what he has done for me. Till he one day comes and tells me, or till he is proven otherwise, I will want to give him the benefit of the doubt, only because of the background that I come from. I am not blind, but I will not say anything. I have been taught by my parents and grandparents to not bite the hands that feeds. I am grateful towards him.” On the other hand, Anupam also shared some fond memories of Sushant as they both worked together in film MS Dhoni: The Untold Story. Anupam said, “I remember I went for a walk late at night, and he was constantly talking about what he wanted to do. He used to ask me how I started working abroad, in films like Bend it Like Beckham, and how I dealt with the difficulty of speaking in English. I still remember that night. He kept asking me the difference between working in Hollywood and Bollywood.”