S. Korean Prime Minister raises social distancing measures after large cluster infection

Arirang News 2020-08-18

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정총리, 코로나 확진자 폭증으로 사회적 거리두기 강화...3단계 가능성까지

As South Korea struggles to contain the worst coronavirus outbreak in five months, authorities tightened social distancing rules today... expanding the curbs to include the port city of Incheon, while ordering the closure of nightclubs, bars, singing rooms, buffets and cyber cafes.
It's also banned all in-person church worship, indoor gatherings of 50 people or more, and outdoor gatherings of 100 or more.
Choi Wonjong has the details.
South Korea is still officially at social distancing level two.
But to keep the new cases from spreading, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun has announced a new set of much stricter social distancing guidelines.
"We are at a critical crossroads where, if we don't get the situation under control, this could rapidly lead to a bigger outbreak across the country. The government has decided to further strengthen social distancing in the capital area to quickly stop the spread.
In addition to Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province, these new guidelines include the city of Incheon.
The guidelines ban all gatherings of more than 50 people indoors and more than 100 outdoors.
All religious facilities are prohibited from holding worship services in person.
In addition, some public facilities such as museums, libraries and parks are closed.
The closures also apply to 12 types of designated high-risk facilities.
Most of these facilities, including host and hostess bars... and clubs have been closed already for a while.
But now, gyms, singing rooms, buffet restaurants and PC rooms have to close as well.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sunday raised the social distancing measures to level two, and they are looking into raising them further... if the situation gets worse this week.
Choi Won-jong, Arirang News.

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