Ekta Kapoor has distanced herself from Pavitra Rishta Fund, set up with an aim to spread mental health awareness among people. Her decision comes after Sushant Singh Rajput’s brother-in-law Vishal Kirti gave out a strong message against using the late actor as a poster boy for mental health awareness. Ekta was being severely trolled for lending support to the fund; a gesture that many felt meant she was supporting the depression theory in Sushant's death, which his family has rejected. Ekta has subsequently tweeted: "Even though this is not a fund started by me, but started by Zee and is a needed one at that, I am always with Zee for any other mental awareness fund that they want to do, but on this one I would like to respectfully dissociate myself. #SSR Hope the truth prevails." Vishal issued a statement on social media where he mentioned that the late actor's family has not endorsed any for-profit activity using Sushant's name.