첫 '코로나 크리스마스' 앞두고 英 산타 학교 개강
"Ho ho ho."
With just four months to go until Christmas Day, trainee Santas in the UK are taking classes to prepare for the first-ever Christmas during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An entertainment company named 'Ministry of Fun' has been running this "Santa School" for 25 years.
But classes started earlier than usual this year, as slew of new measures had been introduced... to ensure a safe, virus-free festive period.
Santas are given a red velvet mask and a protective visor to put on, and are taught to socially distance with the children.
Despite the new measures, the soon-to-be Santas say the fun, joy, love, and the magic of Christmas will never change.
And that does it for today's edition of 'The World Now'. I'll be back next time with more updates from around the world.