중국 브루셀라병 집단감염 "제대로 된 치료 못 받아"
Thousands of people in northwest China have been infected with the bacterial disease brucellosis, after a leak at a biopharmaceutical company last year.
The Health Commission of Lanzhou said as of September 14th,... 21-thousand-847 people have been tested, and 3-thousand-245 people have contracted the disease.
The disease can cause headaches, muscle pain, fever, and fatigue, but many of those infected claim they're not getting the adequate treatment they need.
The outbreak stemmed from a leak at a biopharmaceutical factory between late July to late August last year, after the factory used expired disinfectants while producing Brucella vaccines for animal use.
People were infected by eating contaminated food or breathing in the bacteria-containing aerosols from the waste gas.