Kangana Ranaut is the first Bollywood actor to receive CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) security cover. 33-year-old Kangana Ranaut has been given Y-Plus category security & will be protected by 10 commandos on basis of a threat assessment report by the Home Ministry, the Union Ministry announced on September 7. Ranaut, who had said she feared Mumbai Police after the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput and likened the Maharashtra capital to Pakistan occupied Kashmir, thanked Union Home Minister Amit Shah and declared that no one could crush a patriot. The decision to provide 24X7 security comes two days before Ranaut, who is in her home state Himachal Pradesh, plans to visit Mumbai on September 9. Her comments, including on drug use in the section of the film industry, led to a bitter row with Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, and many more joining in with their views. The category of the security is divided into four types which include Z+, which is the highest level security given to any individual, the Z security, Y security and X security. Watch the video to know everything about the category of security in India.