The Enforcement Directorate probing the money laundering case involving the death of Sushant Singh Rajput has found no big transactions from the late Bollywood actor's accounts to the bank account of his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. However, the ED has found that Rs 15 crore was transacted from his account as alleged by his father K.K. Singh, said an ED source related to the probe to IANS. Sushant’s sister, Shweta Singh Kirti has requested people to come together and collectively pray for her late brother on Independence Day. Ankita Lokhande also asked people to participate in the global prayer meet. Many Bollywood biggies joined the league and started sharing their version of #CBIForSSR. Varun Dhawan, Kriti Sanon, Sooraj Pancholi, Parineeti Chopra were a few names who urged for CBI inquiry into Sushant’s death.